воскресенье, 7 сентября 2014 г.

Music and concerts

Hi! I am Robert. I want to speak about music and concerts. When I was  a child, I was studying to sing in <<Suns>> ensemble. I had  many concerts. Now I  play  the guitar and have many concerts too, but I am always  very anxious, before the  concerts  . But  in <<Suns>> I wasn’t anxious at all before the  concerts. The concerts in <<Suns>>  were a piece of cake. Maybe I was small then and didn’t understand the importance of the concerts or we were a group and I didn’t feel anxious, because I wasn’t alone, but the guitar concerts are solo. I participate in so many contests. When I  participate in my musical school contests,  our school won. It’s already two years I have been studying to play the Oboe. Oboe is a rare musical instrument. I have already  taken part in one concert with Oboe. My favourite genre of music Is  rock, but I listen to a classic and rap too. So  I like  music and everything  that relates to music. 

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